  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/240219
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/220219
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/200219
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/040219
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/251218
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/241218
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/141218
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/futbol2018
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/den_Rossii2018
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/den_Rossii2018
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/1iuny2018
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/flech-mob 9maia 2018
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/diplom strunisit_duchi2018
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/11.04.2018
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/muzei narodnogokostuma2018
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/koncert-marafon2018
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/zacjn2018
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/123
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/rostokzdorovia
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/rostokzdorovia
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/volcebnie casi
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/craeved
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/ocen2017
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/den zdor pita
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/ekskursii
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/den - doch -rab2017
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/cross nacii
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/den-znanii2017
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/priroda
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/priroda2
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/den_myaca
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/den_pechexoda
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/c dnem -rossii 2017
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/den-zashiti-2017
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/exo_Pobedi
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/vezer voennoi
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/calut_Pobeda
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/flecmob
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/PARAD_2017
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/otkr_dver
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/den roditela
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/cistota -zalog zdorovja-2017
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/soberem cvetok zdorovja
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/maslenica
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/shou-programma
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/akcija
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/den materi
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/esli mi edini-mi nepobedimi
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/osennie utrenniki
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/c dnem doshkolnika
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/Posvjashenie v professiju
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/1sentjabrja
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/mi zdorovimi rastem
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/den_nasekomix
  • There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/100516
  • JFolder: :files: Путь ведёт не к каталогу. Путь: /var/www/dou/dou145/images/esli mi edini-mi nepobedimi
  • JFolder: :files: Путь ведёт не к каталогу. Путь: /var/www/dou/dou145/images/osennie utrenniki
  • JFolder: :files: Путь ведёт не к каталогу. Путь: /var/www/dou/dou145/images/c dnem doshkolnika
  • JFolder: :files: Путь ведёт не к каталогу. Путь: /var/www/dou/dou145/images/Posvjashenie v professiju
  • JFolder: :files: Путь ведёт не к каталогу. Путь: /var/www/dou/dou145/images/1sentjabrja
  • JFolder: :files: Путь ведёт не к каталогу. Путь: /var/www/dou/dou145/images/mi zdorovimi rastem
  • JFolder: :files: Путь ведёт не к каталогу. Путь: /var/www/dou/dou145/images/den_nasekomix
  • JFolder: :files: Путь ведёт не к каталогу. Путь: /var/www/dou/dou145/images/100516

17.04.2024г. "Осторожно, газ!"

"О безопасном использовании газа"

15.04.2024г "Все на субботник!"

Весна - это не только время пробуждения природы, но и пора наведения чистоты и порядка. В нашем детском саду началась пора субботников по уборке территории и посадки цветов. 
Чистая, ухоженная территория  радует сотрудников, родителей, наших воспитанников и всех окружающих.

12.04.2024г "День Космонавтики!"

 С давних времен космос притягивал людей своей загадочностью и неизведанностью. И вот уже более полувека ведутся исследования в области космоса. 12 апреля –  День космонавтики, всемирный праздник, установленный в честь первого полета человека в космос. Эта тема также притягательна для детей, как и взрослых, ведь космос – это красота, таинственность, новые знания и простор для фантазии. Во всех возрастных группах  были проведены мероприятия, которые помогли ребятам очутиться в космосе и узнать много нового.

07.04.2024г. "Неделя здоровья"

В рамках Всемирного дня здоровья в период с 1 по 7 апреля в нашем детском саду прошла "Неделя здоровья".
Неделя здоровья — это комплекс интересных мероприятий на каждый день недели, целью которого является поддержание положительной мотивации к ЗОЖ у дошкольников и их родителей.
Неделя здоровья — замечательная новая традиция. О важности правильного образа жизни и занятий спортом говорится детям часто, полезные привычки пропагандируются постоянно. Но сильнее всего мотивирует ребят к движению в направлении ЗОЖ необычная форма мероприятий и пример взрослых: педагогов и родителей.

05.04.2024г."Внимание, дети!"

В нашем детском саду прошла неделя "Внимание-дети". Обучение правилам дорожного движения в детском саду – это жизненная необходимость, поэтому различные мероприятия по ПДД всегда актуальны. Ведь в дошкольном детстве ребенок не только осваивает элементарные правила дорожного движения, но и учится важнейшим правилам безопасного поведения на дороге. Основной целью проведения является формирование навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах, адаптации детей к транспортной среде.
Уважаемые родители, воспитанники и педагоги нашего детского сада соблюдайте правила дорожного движения, берегите себя и своих близких!

Мы используем файлы cookie, а также обрабатываем Ваши персональные данные в соответствии с политикой обработки персональных данных. Дальнейшее пребывание на сайте означает согласие с их применением. Подробнее.

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